How to Get Verified on Instagram Easily in 2023?

The verification Badge is a blue checkmark on Instagram that authenticates one’s presence as important on the platform. Celebrities, established brands and even small businesses have such checkmarks. The verification badge on Instagram define’s the status of an account. You can get verified on Instagram by filling a form and applying for the badge in settings.

It is not easy to get qualified for this badge however it is not specifically reserved for famous figures. In this article, we will discuss how to get verified on Instagram in simple steps. Furthermore, we will highlight how Instagram growth services can increase your engagement creating a better image for your account which can eventually get one qualified for verification. 

These blue verification badges on Instagram psychologically attract users, customers, influencers etc that progressively help in growing business on Instagram. We aim to explore this concept while also focusing on steps you need to follow to be eligible for instagram verification officially. Below is the road map of how we will discuss things in this article:

  • Does an Instagram Verification Badge Matter?
  • Psychological Influence of Verification Badge
  • Do Accounts with Verified Badges Receive Better Engagement?
  • Macro and Micro-Influencers with Blue Badges
  • Eligibility of Getting Instagram Verified
  • Does Your Country Make a Difference in Getting a Verification Badge?
  • Steps to Get Verified on Instagram
  • Authenticity 
  • Notability
  • What to Do If You Can’t Get Verified
  • Amplify Your Engagement 
  • Increase Your Online Presence
  • Get More Views to Increase Growth
  • Recheck the Image of Your Instagram

Does an Instagram Verification Badge Matter?

Check Mark on Instagram aids an account to stand out and it also amplifies the status of an account. How? Users on Instagram understand that a check mark is a big deal and are provided to the accounts that have good engagement and an established aura. Thus, there are possibilities one would choose to go with an account with a badge than a regular one. It is similar to how people listen more diligently to popular figures than a general person. 

Psychological Influence of Verification Badge

Users develop trust more easily with accounts that have blue badges. Psychologically, they would listen to their requests, understand their goals and even buy their products in comparison with a regular instagram account. For example, new businesses try their best to get promotion from established brands or famous celebrities because they understand a customer’s psychology on Instagram. People listen to accounts that are famous and the blue check mark is a confirmation of their popularity. 

Do Verified Badges Receive Better Engagement?

One might suspect that verified badges receive better engagement because of Instagram’s algorithm. However, Instagram itself has asserted that none of the check marked accounts or any other account receive a better treatment. Despite this, a study in 2020 by Hype Auditor, said that certified accounts have 30 percent higher engagement than regular instagram accounts.

People engage with accounts with blue marks because they trust their word and deem them as important people and businesses. For instance, a fashion blog with a verified check will sell a new item better than a regular account selling the same item. The amount of followers does not matter much in order to receive a checkmark, rather there are certain steps to follow. Below we will be discussing how to get verified on Instagram easily.  

Macro and Micro-Influencers with Blue Badges

One must think Instagram only lets famous brands, names, celebrities get the verification badge so they can stand out and appear different from usual instagram accounts. Instagram also states that “public figure, celebrity or brand” are eligible for verification checkmark.

However, that is not the case. A small influencer who is not officially famous can get the verification as well. At the same time, not everyone on Instagram can get the badge. Hence, there is a defined limit. 

According to a study, it was found that small influencers even with (1k-5k) followers can get a verification badge. Macro influencers who have millions of followers get verification check marks after reaching a certain number of followers automatically. Another study that examined 200,000 influencers on instagram found out that almost 73.5% of the total macro influencers have a check mark as well.

Eligibility for Getting Instagram Verified

Following steps highlight the eligibility criteria to get verified on Instagram. If you check mark all these then you can easily be eligible for verification.


What you need the most to get verified on instagram is that the account is noticeable. It means that you must have a community on instagram that has good engagement with your posts. 

Represent the Real You

Your account should represent the real you, business, organization etc. This is necessary because when you have to submit the application for instagram verification you have to provide documents proving it. If not, you will be rejected. 

Public Account

Thirdly, make sure your account is public and has a good interaction. You must be active meaning that there has to be satisfactory engagement with your account. 

Completed Profile

Your account needs to have at least one post and all your profile completely filled in order to be considered. You can get rejected by showing this type of unprofessionalism. 

Important Tip

There is an important tip to get verified on instagram. If you have been featured in a News outlet this increases your chances to get notified on Instagram. If you have paid for the content, it won’t be acceptable. If your mention in news is for promotional purposes that can also get rejected. 

Does Your Country Make a Difference in Getting a Verification Badge

Yes, the country you are from does make a difference when you are requesting for a verification badge on Instagram. If you are from the USA, there is a possibility you will receive the verification badge quicker than others who have applied. A study done on this concluded that almost 32 percent of verified accounts are straight from the USA. Brazil, UK, Germany, Britain and Italy are the closest to this number. They all have 3% of verified accounts which is a great gap from the USA. 

Steps to Get Verified on Instagram

In the first part of this article, we have explained what you should keep in mind before applying for verification. Now, we will discuss simple steps in which you can apply for verification from the Settings and Privacy section on Instagram. 

  • To get verified on Instagram, first of all, go to the three dots on the right upper corner of your profile. 
  • Select Settings and privacy. 
  • You will see a search box on the top where you should write “Request Verification” as shown in the picture below. 

There are two main things Instragam is looking for:

  • Authenticity
  • Notability


Before Instagram verifies your presence that will undoubtedly affect your account, it wants to know whether you deserve it or not. For this purpose, there are three necessary fields that you must fill. 

  • Username
  • Full Name
  • Document Type

Username and Full Name

Give your full and authentic username that is present on your important documents. There is no use of using nicknames here because instagram is willing to check your authentic self by comparing your documents. Do not use a celebrity’s name or any other fictional name because that can entirely fail the process of this application on the very first step. 

Document Type

There are multiple documents you can select from. You can add 1-2 documents for approval. 

You can give your

  • Drivers License
  • National Identification Card
  • Tax Filing
  • Articles of Incorporation
  • Passport
  • Recent Utility Bill

All these documents must be updated and must provide real proof of your existence. If you fail to provide these documents then your request will be diminished. These documents are important because people can have bots , fake identities on instagram and this app cant take the risk of giving verification to such accounts. 

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This section of the application is to ensure that the account Instagram is going to consider is in public interest. This means a private account can never attain a verification check mark. Additionally, the account needs to be “noticeable” by Instagram considering its popularity and progress. Now, we have mentioned before that it is not necessary that only famous figures get verification marks. Accounts with even 1k following can get a verification check according to a study conducted. 

For accounts with established noticeability, they can simply fill these three requirements as shown in the picture above. They have to mention their country, check mark their category and click on submit on the end of the page.

For a small account with few followers, weak engagement and poor image what can be done? Below, we will discuss solutions to this particular issue.

What to Do If You Can’t Get Verified

We must understand how we can get a small business account verified in the simplest way possible. Instagram growth services can be of great help in this regard. Not only will they increase the growth of an account but they will also raise the overall status of the account in order to get accepted. Furthermore, some important steps beforehand can also be beneficial. We have discussed four ways in which you can ensure receiving a verification badge on instagram.

  • Amplify Your Engagement 
  • Increase Your Online Presence
  • Get More Views to Increase Overall Growth
  • Recheck the Image of your Account

Amplify Your Engagement 

One thing that can give you more noticeability is an increased number of likes. You can buy authentic likes and get great engagement on your posts. On the other hand, it’s true that 1k followers can get you a verification check but is this the case for everyone? Absolutely not. It can happen to users who have exceptional engagement or who have developed their identity before on other social media platforms. It is easy for instagram to get this information because in the latter part of this application, it asks for links that can prove your notability such as shown in the picture below.

These links can be from newspapers or online publications. They will authenticate one’s online presence and signal to instagram that the person can be trusted with a verification mark. If you are a general account who wants to get verified on Instagram then you can raise your status by buying followers for Instagram . The increasing number of authentic followers on your account will enhance the image of your online presence. Moreover, it will increase your engagement with other accounts resulting in better overall growth. Hence, while processing your application, there will be more chances that you get accepted. 

Increase Your Online Presence

There are many people all over the world who increase their social media presence so it can serve as a support on each social media platform. If you have a Twitter/youtube account that is used for public good/interest, you can link in this section. Besides this, you can go ahead and link any articles or publications that have acknowledged and appreciated your online presence. This will help you get notified quicker and get picked up for verification more smoothly.

Get More Views to Increase Growth

What Instagram requires is simple, “Do People Care About Your Account”? If your influence has reached the Explore Page of Instagram there are chances you will get a verification mark. In order to appear on Instagram’s Explore Page, you have to get the best engagement in your niche.

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The classiest method for this is to grow your account to the level that Instagram’s algorithm can’t resist your charm. Today’s era is of reels and videos rather than photos on Instagram. If you can get satisfactory views on your reels, it skyrockets and becomes viral. So, buying more views is a great idea if you want to be on the top of the explore page. 

Recheck the Image of Your Instagram

Your next goal before you again apply for a verification badge is to recheck your account. Does it look like an account that can be passed as “noticeable”? Does it look professional? These are questions you should keep in your mind. Make sure that your profile looks good including your bio. Be creative and authentic with your bio. Additionally, you can follow an aesthetic on your posts to attract more followers on instagram. 


This article has focused on the importance of verification badges on instagram. To get verified on Instagram is not easy and it requires filling up an official Instagram application. The application asks about your personal information and qualifications which we have discussed extensively in this article. Additionally, one can take smart steps to grow their account if they want to get verified. These steps also have been explained in this article. We hope that this explanation would be of great help.  

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